Watch Prof. M V Mateos presenting data from the ALCYONE study 1-3: Darzalex

CP-187695 04.11.2020

Læs pligttekst her Darzalex® Velcade®

Darzalex® +Velcade® + melphalan + prednisone (DVMP)

Graphs in this video are designed or adapted by Janssen according to current rules. sources for the changes is reference 1.

00.00- 14.01 Darzalex®(daratumumab) SPC

00.00- 14.01 Mateos MV, et al. Lancet 2020 Jan 11;395(10218):132-141

00.33- 01.54 Ref on slide.

12.27- 13.33 Mateos MV, et al. N Engl J Med. 2018;378:518–528.